Detail Simoniz Fix It Scratch Remover Polish Kit Magic Repair Poles Mobil penghilang baret Goresan lecet
~ It's a mildly abrasive one-step scratch remover revitalizes paint by removing light scratches, oxidation & minor paint stains ~ It renews & restores depth of gloss can be protected by applying a coating of any Simoniz wax, polish ~ Microscopic polishing agents penetrate deeply to return paint to its original shine ~ Just apply to damaged / scratch surface, rub in with the power buffer & wipe away ~ Quickly & Easily Repairs Scratches & Swirls ~ Use for any car with any color ~ Batteries operated isi paket : - 1 Botol cairan formula Simoniz Fix It; - 1 Alat Pemoles Mini; - 1 Ujung Sponge cadangan; - 1 kain lap Microfibre Clotch; - 2 baterai AA.
Simoniz Fix It Scratch Remover Polish Kit Magic Repair Poles Mobil penghilang baret Goresan lecetSimoniz Fix It Scratch Remover Polish Kit Magic Repair Poles Mobil penghilang baret Goresan lecetSimoniz Fix It Scratch Remover Polish Kit Magic Repair Poles Mobil penghilang baret Goresan lecet