SHINee DON'T CALL ME Aesthetic Sticker set Crafty Nuna shinee kpop stiker case hp taemin minho

Buku & Alat Tulis > Buku Tulis & Kertas > Label & Stiker > SHINee DON'T CALL ME Aesthetic Sticker set Crafty Nuna shinee kpop stiker case hp taemin minho
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Detail SHINee DON'T CALL ME Aesthetic Sticker set Crafty Nuna shinee kpop stiker case hp taemin minho

❌No resell ❌No dropship

Ready sesuai stock ya
Selama bisa dicheckout berarti ada🤗

💜 Harga tertera = harga per lembar

💜 Per lembar isi 8 gambar (sesuai foto di slide 2-4)

❗Disarankan pake gunting, JANGAN PAKE cutter/silet❗

💜 Decorative/multipurpose (bisa buat hias case hp, dompet jelly alm*st blu* , binder, journal-ing, atau hanya utk koleksi, etc.)

💜 Bahan : chromo sticker paper

💜 Harga sudah TERMASUK packing karton board biar tidak tertekuk😊


❗Pengiriman H+1, sesuai urutan. TIDAK ADA yang dikirim di hari yang sama karena produksi sendiri jd butuh proses😊
❗ Order SABTU & MINGGU dikirim hari Senin. kalo kalian termasuk yg ga sabaran JANGAN ORDER weekend ya 🙏😊
❗ Beri penilaian 5 bintang jika tidak ada mslh apa2.
❗ Ngasih penilaian asal & bintang dibawah 4 tanpa alasan = nuna BLOCK dan REPORT ke Shopee❗
❗ Jika ada masalah dgn produk / ada yg kurang langsung chat aja nuna PASTI tanggung jawab. Tolong jgn langsung kasih ulasan jelek karena nuna bener2 jaga performa & penilaian toko
❗Jika ada yg beli utk dicopy / utk dijual lg diluar sepengetahuan bakal nuna report & urus SAMPAI SELESAI❗

Be smart, be kind. Respect & treat people the way you want to be treated ☺🌈✨🌼
Happy shopping!

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#nctdream #reload #nct #nct127 #exo #txt

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SHINee DON'T CALL ME Aesthetic Sticker set Crafty Nuna shinee kpop stiker case hp taemin minho
SHINee DON'T CALL ME Aesthetic Sticker set Crafty Nuna shinee kpop stiker case hp taemin minho
SHINee DON'T CALL ME Aesthetic Sticker set Crafty Nuna shinee kpop stiker case hp taemin minho
SHINee DON'T CALL ME Aesthetic Sticker set Crafty Nuna shinee kpop stiker case hp taemin minho
SHINee DON'T CALL ME Aesthetic Sticker set Crafty Nuna shinee kpop stiker case hp taemin minho
SHINee DON'T CALL ME Aesthetic Sticker set Crafty Nuna shinee kpop stiker case hp taemin minho
SHINee DON'T CALL ME Aesthetic Sticker set Crafty Nuna shinee kpop stiker case hp taemin minho
SHINee DON'T CALL ME Aesthetic Sticker set Crafty Nuna shinee kpop stiker case hp taemin minho