Detail [SHARE IN BOTTLE] ALCHEMIST - Eau De Parfum | Powder Room | Got My Mojo Back | Home Garden | Extrait De Parfum - Outwest | 1ML 3ML 5ML 10ML
✔ Produk 100% ORIGINAL ✔ Semua wadah telah dicuci bersih dan disterilkan dgn UV-C utk membunuh bakteri & virus yg menempel pd wadah ✔ Produk ditimbang & diukur secara akurat sesuai varian menggunakan alat takar, BUKAN berdasarkan ukuran botol ✔ Packaging AMAN menggunakan bubble wrap
⚠ MAAF, kerusakan produk akibat pengiriman BUKAN merupakan tanggung jawab kami. Semua produk sudah dicek quality control kami dan dipastikan AMAN sebelum pengiriman.. Semua paket dipack menggunakan BUBBLE WRAP sesuai standar kami.. Silahkan tambahkan EXTRA BUBBLE WRAP agar produk LEBIH AMAN.. Sekali lagi, produk pecah di perjalanan, BUKAN TANGGUNG JAWAB kami. ⚠ WAJIB VIDEO UNBOXING FULL NO CUT & NO EDIT. APABILA TIDAK ADA VIDEO UNBOXING SESUAI KETENTUAN, MAAF RETUR/REFUND TIDAK DILAYANI. MEMBELI = SETUJU
[Got My Mojo Back - BPOM NA18220600672] An elegant combination of gourmand notes and woodiness, Got My Mojo Back is a magnificent tribute to long nights under the neon lights. The aroma of praline and jasmine make for a euphoric and unforgettable scent. Sit down, treat yourself for a drink and wait for the compliments to roll in.
[Powder Room - BPOM NA18220600670] Calm, and collected. Powder Room smells crisp thanks to its generous splash of fresh watery accord and pink pepper. Violet and a hint of musky notes give this fragrance its uplifting charisma and down-to-earth profile. Powder Room is the genderless everyday perfume that brings out the natural skin scent.
[Home Garden - BPOM NA18220600673] Summer elegance in a bottle. This is the fruity perfume that has grown to be playful yet refined at the same time. Blackberry, grapefruit, and cedar blend to create a fruit-forward scent that delights you like a ray of sunshine. Home Garden is not just a place; it’s a state of mind.
[OutWest - Extrait de Parfum] The mix of citrus and fruits notes of yuzu, bergamot, and green apple opens the fresh Out West experience. Together with the warmth of cedarwood, the fragrance closes with the softness of musk and the intensity of vetiver depicts a warm and tranquil nature. Out West stands out as earthy and pleasant for all genders. If you're looking for a vacation from your city life, start with a perfume that takes you away to tranquility. Out West is extrait de parfum with 40% perfume oil concentration.
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[SHARE IN BOTTLE] ALCHEMIST - Eau De Parfum | Powder Room | Got My Mojo Back | Home Garden | Extrait De Parfum - Outwest | 1ML 3ML 5ML 10ML[SHARE IN BOTTLE] ALCHEMIST - Eau De Parfum | Powder Room | Got My Mojo Back | Home Garden | Extrait De Parfum - Outwest | 1ML 3ML 5ML 10ML