Detail Shapes & Elements Graphic Pack V14 - After Effects Project Files
Video perkenalan produk Shapes & Elements Graphic Pack V14 - After Effects Project Files. Sumber: Shopee.
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CONTOH PENCARIAN: power point template,course,font,logo,vector,card,undangan,mockup,t-shirt,flyer,phosothop action,brush,procreate,explainer,fcpx,apple motion,mogrt,premiere pro,after effect,extension,aplikasi,sound,dll,
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.Last Update 30 September 19 Created 9 July 15 After Effects Version CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5, CS4 Files Included After Effects Project Files Universal Expressions Yes Length 1:00, 0:01, 0:02, 0:03, 0:04, 0:05, 0:06 Resolution 3840x2160 File Size 103.8mb Text Placeholders 50, 45, 18, 25, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Feature List Over 860 Elements All In 4K ultra HD Explosions Paths Circles Squares Animated GIF Flash FX Transitions Ornaments Lower Thirds Responsive Backgrounds Responsive Titles Animated Titles Comic Titles Social Titles Social Swipe Buttons Social Icons Typography Titles Emoji Transitions
Special Features Ability to change colors quickly for each element separately, or holistically No plugin required Transition Can work on any resolution and ready made for 4K – HD – HD Vertical 1080×1920 Ability to set the size of animated titles with one click Ability to set the outro time for comic titles with one click Introduction promo included Well organized template Full HTML catalog with GIF Helpful documentation PDF + Video tutorial with voice over Resolution available: UHD 3840×2160 AE Version: Adobe After effects CS4 or Higher Full video tutorial library