Detail SHAMPOO ANJING KUCING TANPA BILAS ULTRACOAT dry shampoo anti bilas shampo sampo bedak anjing kucing
Natural Pet Ultracoat Dry Shampoo For Dog :
- Quick and easy waterless cleaning - Gentle to the skin and coat - Does not irritate sensitive skin - Ideal to use during travelling or cold chilly weather
Health Benefits :
- Absorb excess water, dirt and oily build-up - Deodorize and removes unpleasant odours - Antiseptic property to protect skin from various infections and irritations - Soothe itchy skin and relieves rashes
Natural Pet Ultracoat Dry Shampoo For Cat:
- Quick and easy waterless cleaning - Gentle to the skin and coat - Does not irritate sensitive skin - Ideal to use during travelling or cold chilly weather
Health Benefits:
- Absorb excess water, dirt and oily build-up - Deodorize and removes unpleasant odours - Antiseptic property to protect skin from various infections and irritations - Soothe itchy skin and relieves rashes
Gambar produk
SHAMPOO ANJING KUCING TANPA BILAS ULTRACOAT dry shampoo anti bilas shampo sampo bedak anjing kucing