Detail Sexy underwear, crotch-opening, conjoined, temptation-free, side leakage and beautiful back
JieLa: Hitam & Puith
Bahan - Polyester
Deskripsi -Low bosom temptation design, sexy chest cutting and routing, charming and elegant. -Side rope design reveals wild and sexy meaning. -The back design is simple and impressive
Deskripsi Ukuran (M,L) - Size M (Kisaran Berat Badan : kurang dari <60kg)
Keterangan - Mencuci manual air dibawah 40 derajat - Jangan menggunakan pemutih - Jangan disetrika
Gambar produk
Sexy underwear, crotch-opening, conjoined, temptation-free, side leakage and beautiful backSexy underwear, crotch-opening, conjoined, temptation-free, side leakage and beautiful backSexy underwear, crotch-opening, conjoined, temptation-free, side leakage and beautiful backSexy underwear, crotch-opening, conjoined, temptation-free, side leakage and beautiful backSexy underwear, crotch-opening, conjoined, temptation-free, side leakage and beautiful backSexy underwear, crotch-opening, conjoined, temptation-free, side leakage and beautiful backSexy underwear, crotch-opening, conjoined, temptation-free, side leakage and beautiful backSexy underwear, crotch-opening, conjoined, temptation-free, side leakage and beautiful back