Detail (Seri 2) For iPhone - Waffle Silicone Case/ Puffy Grid Case with Smiley Metal Charm
Video perkenalan produk (Seri 2) For iPhone - Waffle Silicone Case/ Puffy Grid Case with Smiley Metal Charm. Sumber: Shopee.
Selamat datang di KELONTONG UNIK! ✨ Happiness starts from little things ✨ Kelly menyeleksi berbagai aksesoris gemas dengan kualitas terjamin, harga terjangkau, dan tentunya layanan terbaik hanya untuk kamu. 💕 ------------------------------------------------------
**Total ada 3 warna. Untuk kode CIPGC-001 & CIPGC-002 ada di link produk terpisah**
Spesifikasi: 1. Berat : 58 gr (1 kg isi 22 pcs) 2. Jenis : soft case 3. Bahan : premium silicone 4. Dimensi Kemasan : 25 x 11 x 1 cm 5. Kemasan : plastik OPP dengan seal lem penutup 6. Model : 1 warna (CIPGC-003) ------------------------------------------------------
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(Seri 2) For iPhone - Waffle Silicone Case/ Puffy Grid Case with Smiley Metal Charm(Seri 2) For iPhone - Waffle Silicone Case/ Puffy Grid Case with Smiley Metal Charm(Seri 2) For iPhone - Waffle Silicone Case/ Puffy Grid Case with Smiley Metal Charm(Seri 2) For iPhone - Waffle Silicone Case/ Puffy Grid Case with Smiley Metal Charm(Seri 2) For iPhone - Waffle Silicone Case/ Puffy Grid Case with Smiley Metal Charm(Seri 2) For iPhone - Waffle Silicone Case/ Puffy Grid Case with Smiley Metal Charm(Seri 2) For iPhone - Waffle Silicone Case/ Puffy Grid Case with Smiley Metal Charm(Seri 2) For iPhone - Waffle Silicone Case/ Puffy Grid Case with Smiley Metal Charm(Seri 2) For iPhone - Waffle Silicone Case/ Puffy Grid Case with Smiley Metal Charm