Selfie stick wxy-01 For Android ios 3 in 1 Tongsis lipat tripod tomsi Tongsis 3 in 1 With Bluetooth

Handphone & Aksesoris > Aksesoris Selfie > Tongsis > Selfie stick wxy-01 For Android ios 3 in 1 Tongsis lipat tripod tomsi Tongsis 3 in 1 With Bluetooth
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Detail Selfie stick wxy-01 For Android ios 3 in 1 Tongsis lipat tripod tomsi Tongsis 3 in 1 With Bluetooth

Tersedia Warna Putih, Hitam, Biru, Pink, jika warna yang diminta kosong akan kami kirim random
Tongsis masa kini dengan 3 in 1 fungsi menjadi 1
Up hingga 5,8 Inch smartphone
Dapat dijadikan Tripod
Tinggi mulai dari 180 mm sampai 850 mm
Tongsis, Selfie Sticky, Tongkat Selfie, Tongkat Foto, Tripod Mini, Tripod Foto, Tongsis Bluetooth, Tongsis Mini, Tongsis 3 In 1, Tongsis Bagus, Tongsis Kekinian, Tongsis Model Terbaru, Tripod Selfie Stick, Tripod Bluetooth, Tongkat Foto Selfie

Aimons - Tongsis 3 in 1 With Bluetooth + Tripod Selfie Stick
Kamu bisa menjepret momen-momen berharga maupun pemandangan dengan mudah jika memakai Aimons - Tongsis 3 in 1 With Bluetooth + Tripod Selfie Stick.
Bisa berfungsi sebagai tripod, monopod maupun juga sebagai tongsis menjadikan selfie semakin maksimal tanpa kendala, dilengkapi pula dengan koneksi bluetooth tidak usah repot lagi ngatur timer di kamera.

- Tongsis dengan 3 level pemanjangan
- Dapat dijadikan Tripod
- Dilengkapi Remote Bluetooth
- Bentuk kecil sehingga gampang dibawa kemanapun

Isi Paket:
1x Tongsis
1x Remote Bluetooth

Product weight: 135g gross weight; 175g
Telescopic length: 19cm-75cm/7.48in-29.5in

Clip size: 5.5 - 8.5cm

Compatibility: iOS system Android 4.2 and above systems can be connected using Bluetooth

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Selfie stick wxy-01 For Android ios 3 in 1 Tongsis lipat tripod tomsi Tongsis 3 in 1 With Bluetooth
Selfie stick wxy-01 For Android ios 3 in 1 Tongsis lipat tripod tomsi Tongsis 3 in 1 With Bluetooth
Selfie stick wxy-01 For Android ios 3 in 1 Tongsis lipat tripod tomsi Tongsis 3 in 1 With Bluetooth
Selfie stick wxy-01 For Android ios 3 in 1 Tongsis lipat tripod tomsi Tongsis 3 in 1 With Bluetooth
Selfie stick wxy-01 For Android ios 3 in 1 Tongsis lipat tripod tomsi Tongsis 3 in 1 With Bluetooth
Selfie stick wxy-01 For Android ios 3 in 1 Tongsis lipat tripod tomsi Tongsis 3 in 1 With Bluetooth
Selfie stick wxy-01 For Android ios 3 in 1 Tongsis lipat tripod tomsi Tongsis 3 in 1 With Bluetooth
Selfie stick wxy-01 For Android ios 3 in 1 Tongsis lipat tripod tomsi Tongsis 3 in 1 With Bluetooth