Detail Screen Projector Tripod CASA TS70 70Inch - CASA Tripod TS70 MW 5.5
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Screen Projector Tripod CASA TS70 70Inch - CASA Tripod TS70 MW 5.5
DESKRIPSI • Proyektor Screen Tripod • Ukuran : 70 Inch • Format: 1:1 • Screen size: 178 x 178 • Unit Utama
Spesifikasi Rasio Layar 1:1 Ukuran Layar 178 x 178 cm Dimensi Produk 196 x 19 x 12 cm Lain-lain • Lightweight and portable • Easy assembly • Adjustable height • Rust proof metal coating • Strong and sturdy buikt for all purpose use • Suitable for school, office and even outdoor sales
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Terima kasih. Happy shopping 😊
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Screen Projector Tripod CASA TS70 70Inch - CASA Tripod TS70 MW 5.5Screen Projector Tripod CASA TS70 70Inch - CASA Tripod TS70 MW 5.5