Detail Science diet small bites chicken and barley recipe dog food 12kg
Science diet small bites chicken and barley recipe dog food 12kg science diet small bites lamb meal and brown rice dog food 12kg
Hill's® Science Diet® Small Bites Adult dry dog food is specially formulated to fuel the energy needs of dogs during the prime of their life. Delicious chicken flavor for those that prefer variety & made with high quality, easy-to-digest ingredients in a small bite size. * Omega-6s & Vitamin E for beautiful skin & coat * High-quality protein for lean muscles * Natural fibers for healthy digestion
Recommended for: Adult dogs 1 - 6 years of age. Not recommended for: Puppies and pregnant or nursing dogs. During pregnancy or nursing, dogs should be switched to Hill’s® Science Diet® Puppy, Hill’s® Science Diet® Puppy Small Bites or Hill’s® Science Diet® Puppy Small Paws™ dry dog food.
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Science diet small bites chicken and barley recipe dog food 12kg