Detail (SALE) LUXCRIME Blur and Cover Two Way Cake ORIGINAL | Luxcrime TWC
100% ORIGINAL EXP 07-2024
Instantly mattify and set your face! It’s formulEWFEated to transform the look of your skin with soft-focus powder which gives smoothing and imperfections covering effect. Enriched with ultra-soft particles with velvet matte finish. Leaves your complexion flawless and evens out your skin with the added benefit of UV protection.
SHADE DESCRIPTION: Buttercream - suitable for light skin Custard - suitable for medium skin Opera - suitable for tan skin
*Sponge included inside packaging under the pressed powderAS
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(SALE) LUXCRIME Blur and Cover Two Way Cake ORIGINAL | Luxcrime TWC(SALE) LUXCRIME Blur and Cover Two Way Cake ORIGINAL | Luxcrime TWC(SALE) LUXCRIME Blur and Cover Two Way Cake ORIGINAL | Luxcrime TWC(SALE) LUXCRIME Blur and Cover Two Way Cake ORIGINAL | Luxcrime TWC(SALE) LUXCRIME Blur and Cover Two Way Cake ORIGINAL | Luxcrime TWC(SALE) LUXCRIME Blur and Cover Two Way Cake ORIGINAL | Luxcrime TWC(SALE) LUXCRIME Blur and Cover Two Way Cake ORIGINAL | Luxcrime TWC