Detail Rubik 2x2 QiYI Magnetic 2x2 MP Series Magnetic Stickerless 2x2 Qi Yi
Kelebihan beli rubik di CUPIKA : - 100% barang Original - Kami IMPORTIR Langsung - Harga murah dan bersaing - Produk terjamin kualitasnya - Setiap pembelian sudah di packing dengan buble wrap, kualitas produk terbaik, dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan cubing. - Pengiriman melalui ojek online menggunakan bubble wrap karena langsung diantar ke customer.
Deskripsi Rubik 2x2 QiYI Magnetic 2x2 MP Series Magnetic Stickerless 2x2 Qi Yi
The QiYi MP 2x2 M is a magnetic 2x2 with a smooth feel. The magnets on this cube are on the stronger side, but feel good when turning. This cube features a glossy outer finish and vibrant stickerless bright shades.
This is an ORIGINAL product. Guaranteed.
Ready stock for stickerless, factory magnetized. Brand new.
Ready stock ya...
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