Notes: -Pengiriman setiap hari kecuali hari besar maksimal jam 5 sore, diatas jam 5 sore dikirim hari selanjutnya. -Operasional jam 11siang-7malam, untuk pengiriman gojek/grab instant, sameday maksimal jam3 sore. -Tidak ada video unboxing, tidak bisa retur, no excuse. -Kesalahan pembeli bukan tanggung jawab kami (barang, alamat, jasa kirim). -Tanyakan stock barang sebelum melakukan order. Be a smart buyer, happy shopping
AUTHENTIC Dead Rabbit V3 RTA By Hellvape
Check out the Hellvape DEAD Rabbit V3 RDA, featuring a dual post build deck, dual coil configuration, and delivers eJuice through a squonking 510 pin. Constructed from durable stainless steel, the rebuildable dripping atomizer delivers an exciting and functional design, allowing for a dual coil configuration to help produce delicious clouds of vapor from your favorite eJuice. Accepting large coil leads, the DEAD RABBIT V3 RDA fastens coils from a top side method utilizing flathead screws. Although the DEAD RABBIT V3 is considered a dripping atomizer, just like its predecessors, the DEAD RABBIT V3 can be converted to a squonking RDA via 510 pin, eliminating the need for dripping when paired with a squonk mod.
Parameters : - Diameter : 25mm - Capacity : 3.5/5.5ml - Drip Tip : 810 - Coil Type : Dual Coil - Net Weight : 59g
Features : - 25mm Diameter - Postless Deck - Dual Coil Building - Top-to-bottom Airflow - Internal Honeycomb + Slotted Airflow - Top-to-bottom Airflow - Top Filling System - Flawless Flavor & Dense Vapor
Includes : 1x Hellvape Dead Rabbit 3 RTA 2x 0.37ohm Ni80 Clapton Coil 2x Shoelace Cotton 1x Coil Cutting Tool 1x Bubble Glass 1x Accessory Bag 1x User Manual
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RTA Dead Rabbit V3 Authentic By HellvapeRTA Dead Rabbit V3 Authentic By HellvapeRTA Dead Rabbit V3 Authentic By HellvapeRTA Dead Rabbit V3 Authentic By Hellvape