SAFETY & PRECAUTIONS: Please be well-informed prior to using this oil. Not suitable for people with high blood pressure and epilepsy. Not recommended for pregnant and nursing women. Maximum dermal use of 4.5%. Maximum oral use of 2 mg/kg/day.
APPLICATIONS: Inhale Simply inhaling the aroma can give certain effects for our mind, body and soul. The most sensitive of five senses let the aroma travel through the internal cells, interacts with limbic system and brings a desired emotional response.
Diffusion The most effective and efficient way to enjoy essential oil. Using special diffusing device allows us to experience the aromatic benefit for extended period of time.
Topical Use Essential oils are easily absorbed into the skin, so make sure to understand the nature of the oil, your sensitivity, and maximum intake usage for each oil. Topical use requires us to keep the safe amount-per-day guidelines in mind.
Internal Use Never swallow or ingest essential oils before educating yourself about its safety or consulting to a physician.