100% ORIGINAL - NEW EXP : 2024
Thunder Lash is a waterproof and smudge-proof mascara that visibly lengthens and lifts lashes while also delivering buildable volume. Think less of "your mascara looks good"; this mascara will leave people wondering why your lashes look so good!
Despite its exceptional thunder-like resistance from root to tip, Thunder Lash Mascara comes with a formula that helps to nourish, moisturize and protect your lashes – so all lash hairs reach their thunderous growth potential.
The curved-shaped applicator brush comes with thick silicone bristles to coat every single lashes with its dense and jet-black formula. Free of any clumping, you can apply multiple layers of this mascara until you get the desired volume.
HERO INGREDIENTS: Vitamin B5: Also known as Pantothenic Acid. Vitamin B5 strengthens hair follicles, keeps your lashes healthy, boosts their thickness and reduces breakage.
Avocado Oil: Avocado Oil contains a very high level of antioxidants. This ingredient will help make your lashes healthier and protect them against environmental stress and damage.
Sweet Almond Oil: Contains Omega-9 Fatty Acids and Vitamin E. Sweet almond oil adds shine and luster to your lashes. It also nourishes the lashes while making it thick, long and strong after a period of time.
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