Detail ROSE ALL DAY Eye Cheek You Pot ORIGINAL | RoseAllDay Eye Cheek You Pot
100% ORIGINAL - NEW EXP 2025
Eye Cheek You Pot is a buttery cream blush and eyeshadow stuffed with moisturizing ingredients, such as Sunflower Seed Oil, Rosehip Oil, and Shea Butter
Sunflower Seed Oil: an emollient that softens the skin while also being occlusive too, by locking the skin’s natural moisture Rosehip Oil: has soothing properties and acts as an antioxidant. Shea Butter: a sublime emollient that makes Eye Cheek You Pot glides easier on the skin.
Comes with compact case with mirror, cream to powder formula, and travel-friendly size, Eye Cheek You Pot lets you create beauty on-the-go.
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ROSE ALL DAY Eye Cheek You Pot ORIGINAL | RoseAllDay Eye Cheek You PotROSE ALL DAY Eye Cheek You Pot ORIGINAL | RoseAllDay Eye Cheek You PotROSE ALL DAY Eye Cheek You Pot ORIGINAL | RoseAllDay Eye Cheek You PotROSE ALL DAY Eye Cheek You Pot ORIGINAL | RoseAllDay Eye Cheek You PotROSE ALL DAY Eye Cheek You Pot ORIGINAL | RoseAllDay Eye Cheek You PotROSE ALL DAY Eye Cheek You Pot ORIGINAL | RoseAllDay Eye Cheek You PotROSE ALL DAY Eye Cheek You Pot ORIGINAL | RoseAllDay Eye Cheek You PotROSE ALL DAY Eye Cheek You Pot ORIGINAL | RoseAllDay Eye Cheek You PotROSE ALL DAY Eye Cheek You Pot ORIGINAL | RoseAllDay Eye Cheek You Pot