Roasted Chickpeas 10gr for hamster, sugar glider, gerbil etc | snacks cemilan small animals
Roasted Chickpeas 10gr for hamster, sugar glider, gerbil etc | snacks cemilan small animals
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Hobi & Koleksi > Makanan Hewan > Snack Hewan Peliharaan Kecil > Roasted Chickpeas 10gr for hamster, sugar glider, gerbil etc | snacks cemilan small animals
Detail Roasted Chickpeas 10gr for hamster, sugar glider, gerbil etc | snacks cemilan small animals
Roasted chickpeas itu bagus banget yah buat hamster karena tinggi protein namun raw chickpeas atau mentah itu bahaya buat hamster so don't feed raw/uncooked chickpeas! Raw chickpeas contain a lot of lectins, which are not easily digested – if at all. This can give your hamster - and yourself for that matter - some serious stomach ache!
Pastikan sebelum beli chickpeas tanya dulu sudah roasted atau belum, mine are already cooked or roasted to reduce all toxic contains in chickpeas, jadi aman banget ya buat small animals kalian, justru mengandung protein baik untuk diet hamster dan other small animals.