Richell - Training Toothbrush from 3months (Pink)

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Detail Richell - Training Toothbrush from 3months (Pink)

Richell - Training Toothbrush (8m-12m)

Suitable for babies of 8-12 months
Throat protective ring is included to avoid any unexpected injuries/accidents
Container is included

Chubby Baby Shop
ITC Mangga Dua
Lantai Dasar Blok A 80-80A
Lantai 2 Blok D No 67-68
Jakarta Utara

Gambar produk

Richell - Training Toothbrush from 3months (Pink)
Richell - Training Toothbrush from 3months (Pink)
Richell - Training Toothbrush from 3months (Pink)
Richell - Training Toothbrush from 3months (Pink)
Richell - Training Toothbrush from 3months (Pink)
Richell - Training Toothbrush from 3months (Pink)

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