Handphone & Aksesoris > Casing & Skin > Casing & Skin Handphone > Rhinoshield impact protection screen dan back protection set for Iphone 8 plus dan Iphone 7 plus
Detail Rhinoshield impact protection screen dan back protection set for Iphone 8 plus dan Iphone 7 plus
Ini terdiri dari screen protector dan back protector Iphone 8 plus dan 7 plus
RhinoShield screen protector absorbs 5 times more impact energy than normal screen protectors, a RhinoShield signature feature. Get ready to be amazed once more as your phone takes drop after drop after drop and still look like it just came off the assembly line #iphone8plus #iphone7plus #rhinoshield #antigoresiphone8plus #antigoresiphone7plus #screenprotectoriphone8plus #screenprotectoriphone7plus #backprotectoriphone8plus #backprotectoriphone7plus
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Rhinoshield impact protection screen dan back protection set for Iphone 8 plus dan Iphone 7 plus