Detail Rexus EZ3 High Performance In-ear Headphone Earphone Type C with Mic
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Earphone EZ3 Type-C Tagline : Plug It, Feel It
- Single driver berdiameter 10mm, terbesar di kelasnya - Dilengkapi dengan kabel konektor type-C - Tersedia 3 warna: Hitam, Perak, dan Merah - Multi-fungsi earphone untuk mendengarkan musik, bermain game, dan menerima panggilan telepon - Kompatibilitas: Android / iOS / Windows / Mac
Parameter Mikrofon Keterarahan : Omnidirectional Respon Frekuensi : 30Hz – 10000Hz Impedansi : 2.2KΩ Sensitivitas : -42+-2Db Konsumsi Daya : 48KHz/16bit Port : Type-C Panjang Kabel : 1.2m +- 0.05 Ukuran Earbud : (S, M, L)
Kelengkapan Paket - 1 unit Rexus Earphone Gaming Rexus EZ3 - 3 pasang pilihan earbud - Hardcase Pouch
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Rexus EZ3 High Performance In-ear Headphone Earphone Type C with MicRexus EZ3 High Performance In-ear Headphone Earphone Type C with MicRexus EZ3 High Performance In-ear Headphone Earphone Type C with MicRexus EZ3 High Performance In-ear Headphone Earphone Type C with MicRexus EZ3 High Performance In-ear Headphone Earphone Type C with MicRexus EZ3 High Performance In-ear Headphone Earphone Type C with MicRexus EZ3 High Performance In-ear Headphone Earphone Type C with MicRexus EZ3 High Performance In-ear Headphone Earphone Type C with Mic