Detail Rex-C100 C-100 Out Relay Include Thermocouple Type-K Temperature
REX C-100 OUTPUT RELAY + Sensor Thermocouple Type K ***Temperature Controller REX-C100 Include SENSOR thermocouple ***Ouputnya RELAY (SUDAH TIDAK PERLU SSR) ***Brand CKC Tinner REX-C100FK02-M*AN DA
REX C100 TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER adalah modul controller/thermostat digital untuk mengendalikan ON/OFF nya pendingin ruangan (AC), pemanas (Heater), mesin penetas telur dan alat pendingin/pemanas lainnya.
Spesifikasi: Model: REX-C100 Temperature Controller Kit Temperature Range : 0-400 Deg C. Measuring accuracy: 0.5% FS Power supply: 220V AC Relay output: contact capacity 250V AC 3A (resistive load) Contact capacity of output: 250V AC 3A (resistive load) Setting value (SV): identical to measuring range (PV) Integral time (I) and Derivative time (D) : 0 ~ 3600 sec (No integral action when set to 0) Heat-reset proportional cycle: 1 ~ 100 sec Power consumption: 10 VA Input type: Thermocouple Type K Size: 48x48x110mm
**Kelengkapan: 1 x REX C100 Controller seperti gambar 1 x Thermocouple type K