Detail Reprap 3D Printer Stepper Motor Driver A4988 with Heatsink
3D Zaiku Indonesia
Reprap 3D Printer Stepper Motor Driver A4988 with Heatsink
Low R DS (ON) outputs Automatic current decay mode detection / selection Mixed with the slow current decay mode Synchronous rectification for low power dissipation Internal UVLO Crossover-current protection 3.3 and 5 V compatible logic supply Thermal shutdown circuitry Ground short-circuit protection Load short-circuit protection Five optional stepping modes: full, 1 / 2,1 / 4,1 / 8 and 1/16
Harga : Rp 25.000
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Reprap 3D Printer Stepper Motor Driver A4988 with HeatsinkReprap 3D Printer Stepper Motor Driver A4988 with HeatsinkReprap 3D Printer Stepper Motor Driver A4988 with Heatsink