Detail RELX Bundle Essential Neon Purple / Blue Glow Device and Pod (Isi 1 Pod)
Paket berisi: 1 Unit Essential Device (Neon Purple/Blue Glow) dan 1 Pack Infinity Pods isi 1 Pods
Pilihan 1 rasa paket Infinity Pods berisi 1 Pods: Fresh Red (rasa Watermelon Ice) Ludou Ice (rasa Es Kacang Hijau) Garden’s Heart ( Strawberry Burs) Menthol Xtra (rasa Menthol) Tangy Frape (rasa Grape) Dark Sparkle (rasa minuman Cocacola) Mango (rasa Mangga) Orange Sparkle (rasa Soda Jeruk) Banana Freeze (White Freze) Lime Sparkle (rasa Sprite) Penggunaan: Cukup masukkan RELX Pod Pro / Pod ke dalam device dan nikmati!
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RELX Bundle Essential Neon Purple / Blue Glow Device and Pod (Isi 1 Pod)RELX Bundle Essential Neon Purple / Blue Glow Device and Pod (Isi 1 Pod)