Detail Reflektor Bagasi Grand avanza xenia 2015-2018 Tipe D
Video perkenalan produk Reflektor Bagasi Grand avanza xenia 2015-2018 Tipe D. Sumber: Shopee.
Reflektor bagasi mobil grand new avanza dan great new xenia plus Lampu. 2015-2018.
Lampu sein mode Running Terdapat lampu Senja/Sore Terdapat lampu Rem. NB : (dapat kiri dan kanan)
Bahan terbuat dari bahan berqualitas disertai lampu L.E.D. ________________________________
The reflector of the trunk of the grand new avanza and great new xenia plus lights. 2015-2018. Running mode turn signal There are Twilight / Evening lights There is a brake light.
NB: (can be left and right) The material is made of quality materials accompanied by L.E.D.
Gambar produk
Reflektor Bagasi Grand avanza xenia 2015-2018 Tipe D