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It is equipped with high-quality OUTEMU Blue LK optical mechanical switches that offer response speeds of as little as 0.2ms a0nd a tactile actuation with a distinct “click” sound. These switches utilise a laser instead of a mechanical connection for keystrokes, which allows for such quick response times. OUTEMU’s optical mechanical switch design grants them dust-proof and spill-proof properties.
Redragon has designed the BROADSWORD PRO in a tenkeyless layout, which leaves out the numpad to reduce the amount of desk space it takes up as well as to keep it compact and portable. The full-featured design has macro-keys along the left side and the top of the keyboard. Media controls are found on the top right of the keyboard
PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS 1. Brand : Redragon 2. Item model number : RD-K588RGB-PRO 3. Product Type : Keyboard 4. Layout : QWERTY Tenkeyless 5. Connection : USB Type-C 6. Keycaps : Double-Injection
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Redragon K588 RGB BROADSWORD PRO Optical Mechanical - Gaming KeyboardRedragon K588 RGB BROADSWORD PRO Optical Mechanical - Gaming KeyboardRedragon K588 RGB BROADSWORD PRO Optical Mechanical - Gaming KeyboardRedragon K588 RGB BROADSWORD PRO Optical Mechanical - Gaming Keyboard