Detail Redragon Bluetooth CERES G812 - Gamepad gamepad
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JAM OPERASIONAL ✅ Senin - Sabtu : 24 Jam Pickup Gojeck Max Jam 16:30 Untuk Instant ✅ Minggu : 12:00 - 16:00 Pengiriman Gojeck / Grab Only (Selama Pandemi Tidak Ada Pengiriman Hari Minggu)
⚠️ Wajib Video Unboxing Uncut ⚠️ Pembeli Wajib melakukan video Unboxing tanpa cut / Pause untuk menghindari Gagalnya claim garansi barang Jikalau barang terdapat Cacat fisik dari Pabrik / Pengiriman.
1. Jumlah tombol : 13 tombol, 2 analog, kursor 2. USB, konektivitas : Bluetooth 3. Versi OS: PlayStation 4, Android, iOS yang didukung 4. Baterai : 600mAh
4in1 function : 1. IOS standart mode connection - No need Third-party gaming platform - Support more than 800 games which download from AppStore match IOS standart protocol 2. Support most of standart Android games - Support Android game platform, such as Octopus game; and Android HID mode. - PS: Game controller should recognize automatically in Android HID mode and game platform mode. 3. Support SmartTV , smart set-TOP boox 4. PS4 Multi-Stream ( Support only IOS currently ) - Download R-Play form AppStore for iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, follow steps in Apps.
PS: In order to experience the best streaming function, please connect your PS4 to your home network, and your iPhone, iPad or iPad touch contact to same 5Ghz Wifi network.
Charging 5V 0.5A-1A
Game controller should turn into sleep mode after 5 minutes
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Redragon Bluetooth CERES G812 - Gamepad gamepadRedragon Bluetooth CERES G812 - Gamepad gamepadRedragon Bluetooth CERES G812 - Gamepad gamepadRedragon Bluetooth CERES G812 - Gamepad gamepadRedragon Bluetooth CERES G812 - Gamepad gamepad