Detail Red Raspberry Leaf Tea For Female Fertility (30 Tea Bag)
Red Raspberry Leaf Tea For Female Fertility (30 Tea Bag)
Raspberry Leaf Tea is nutrient rich and contains many of the vitamins and minerals necessary for a healthy pregnancy including vitamins A, C, E and B, magnesium, calcium and iron. Best served on its own with a dollop of Raw honey.
Used to assist with : Helpful in strengthening the uterine muscles, aiding contraction during labour.
100% Raspberry Leaves (rubus idaeus).
- Reminiscent of : Deep breaths, relaxing baths - Make memories with: Your Uterus - Pair with : Raw honey and a drop of lemon
What is Red raspberry leaf tea?
This herbal infusion comes from the leaves of the red raspberry plant. This herbal tea has been used for centuries to support respiratory, digestive and uterine health, particularly during pregnancy and childbearing years. While usually known as a female herb, red raspberry leaf tea can also help support the prostate and various stomach ailments in children.
Sangat Bermanfaat bagi Wanita
Teh daun raspberry merah sangat populer karena kemungkinan manfaatnya bagi wanita hamil . Namun, tampaknya membantu wanita secara umum.
Bahkan sering disebut sebagai ramuan wanita.
Beberapa penelitian mendukung bukti anekdot wanita yang mengatakan bahwa daunnya membantu meredakan gejala pramenstruasi (PMS), seperti kram, muntah, mual dan diare.
Daun raspberry merah mengandung fragarine, senyawa tanaman yang membantu mengencangkan dan mengencangkan otot di area panggul, yang dapat mengurangi kram menstruasi yang disebabkan oleh kejang otot-otot ini.
Meskipun saat ini tidak ada rekomendasi khusus tentang jumlah minuman yang harus diminum, menyesap teh daun raspberry merah dapat meredakan beberapa ketidaknyamanan siklus menstruasi Anda.
* Caffeine Free
Exp Agst 2024
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Red Raspberry Leaf Tea For Female Fertility (30 Tea Bag)Red Raspberry Leaf Tea For Female Fertility (30 Tea Bag)Red Raspberry Leaf Tea For Female Fertility (30 Tea Bag)