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.An amazing ActionScript for Photoshop CC+ – multilingual – works with any Image
A fantastic photo effect to create a realistic painted look on any image. This Tool is very simple to use and works with Photoshop CC (from 2014) in any language. Just install the assets, open a Photo and run the Script to get this painted artwork effect: this is very handy when you want to create an artistic paint but have no tools or experience and it’s great as a present!
Animation Effect Included
Also use it with FxBox FxBox is a very powerful Free Photoshop Extension that you can get here. Watch to see how to Load this Effect into the Library of the FxBox and apply it live on a photo. It’s very easy!
Works with Photoshop, in any Language
These ActionScripts have been tested and work with Photoshop CC2014, CC2015, CC2017, CC2018, CC2019, CC2020 in any language. They have not been tested in ANY language so there’s a small possibility of bugs for arabic or chinese languages. They work with Texts, Paintings, Illustrations and Photos: big thanks to M. Rezania for allowing the preview of this effect with his amazing photographies.
Very Easy to Install and Play With
The code is designed to work with any image, at any resolution and depth. The final result will be in RGB Mode 8-bit regardless of the starting format: remember you can switch back to your settings once the Actionscript have finished.
In case your starting photo is inferior to 2500 pixels it will be resized in order for the Filters and Pattern Deco Scripts to work correctly and always give you a good result.
The Scripts will behave differently basing on your starting area, photo and Document ratio: they will consistently create more scattered parts around the edges and more solid parts towards the center.
Very Easy to Install and Use
Some Manual Adjustments will always be necessary
A Very Powerful New Tool in the Inventory!
Special Thanks to
The Orange Box – for helping in the realization of this Tool and the integration with the FxBox Mohammadreza Rezania – for allowing the use