Detail [Ready stock] Masker anak KF94/KF80 Korea Motif Gajah/Polos u/3-8y / Product Lab
#100% Original Produk Korea # Made in Korea # Masker kesehatan asli dari Korea
Merk : Product Lab
dikemas masing2 dalam packingan per pcs. harga yang tertera untuk 1pcs
-- Apa bedanya KF80 dan KF94? Baik KF80 dan KF94 sama-sama direkomendasikan krn keduanya mampu menyaring udara dgn baik. Berdasarkan The Korean Herald, KF80 mampu memblokir rata-rata 86.1% debu halus Sedangkan KF94 mampu memblokir rata-rata 95.7%
Masker Anak Motif Gajah 180 x 135 mm 1. BEST PROTECTION – This high quality mask that is labeled ‘KF’ stands for Korea Filter meaning that this mask has been certified by the Korea Food & Drug Administration (KFDA) to block more than 94% of the average particle. Masker berkualitas yang aman
2. HYGIENIC – Higienis Setiap masker di packing terpisah untuk menjaga kebersihan dan menghindari kemungkinan terkontaminasi
3. COMFORTABLE FIT – Nyaman This breathable mask provides comfort to your ears and face with one fit all ear loop which includes a mask clip. Masker nyaman untuk digunakan sehari-hari dan nyaman untuk bernafas
4. PREMIUM QUALITY – This disposable face masks is made with high quality material made 100% in Korea, making it very effortless to breath and providing all around comfort Dibuat dengan kualitas bagus di Korea
Ready Stock
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[Ready stock] Masker anak KF94/KF80 Korea Motif Gajah/Polos u/3-8y / Product Lab[Ready stock] Masker anak KF94/KF80 Korea Motif Gajah/Polos u/3-8y / Product Lab[Ready stock] Masker anak KF94/KF80 Korea Motif Gajah/Polos u/3-8y / Product Lab[Ready stock] Masker anak KF94/KF80 Korea Motif Gajah/Polos u/3-8y / Product Lab[Ready stock] Masker anak KF94/KF80 Korea Motif Gajah/Polos u/3-8y / Product Lab[Ready stock] Masker anak KF94/KF80 Korea Motif Gajah/Polos u/3-8y / Product Lab[Ready stock] Masker anak KF94/KF80 Korea Motif Gajah/Polos u/3-8y / Product Lab