Detail Ready - SAFFRON MASK ORGANIC WITH CENTELLA 20gr by cicanature (cica nature) ORI 100%
BPOM NA 18200200645
1 kg muat 40pc
100% PURE ORGANIC PETALS SAFFRON FACE & BODY MASK by CicaNatureIndonesia • AMAN UNTUK IBU HAMIL AMAN UNTUK IBU MENYUSUI AMAN MULAI UMUR 10TAHUN INGREDIENTS : - Saffron extract - Sodium Hyalluronate - Rice conspersa Organicum - Saffron petals flower - Centella Asiatica netto 20gr
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Ready - SAFFRON MASK ORGANIC WITH CENTELLA 20gr by cicanature (cica nature) ORI 100%Ready - SAFFRON MASK ORGANIC WITH CENTELLA 20gr by cicanature (cica nature) ORI 100%Ready - SAFFRON MASK ORGANIC WITH CENTELLA 20gr by cicanature (cica nature) ORI 100%Ready - SAFFRON MASK ORGANIC WITH CENTELLA 20gr by cicanature (cica nature) ORI 100%