Jika kulit sudah mengelupas semua, harap beri jeda 2 hari jika ingin pemakaian yang kedua ya.
Cara Penggunaan : 1. Rendam kaki anda dalam air hangat selama 15 menit. 2. Gunakan gunting untuk memotong segel paket. 4. Lepas masker kaki setelah 30- 60 menit, lalu bersihkan kaki Anda. 5. Kebanyakan orang mulai mengupas kulit mati setelah 48 jam digunakan, tetapi karena jenis kulit yang berbeda, silakan gunakan masker kaki lagi 48 jam kemudian. 6. Jangan menggunakan masker jika Anda memiliki luka / luka aktif / alergi kulit./ kaki sensitif. 7. Kami sarankan Anda untuk merendam kaki dengan air panas setelah 48 jam digunakan.
Specifications :1.4 fl oz/40ml
Effects : Lactic acid can penetrate into the horny layer, promote the aging horny layer to fall off, remove the old waste horny, dead skin, rich in mallow, strawberry fruit extract, improve the skin moisture retention ability, moisturize the horny.
Shelf Life :3 years
Caution :
1. This product is disposable and can not be reused;
2. If you feel any discomfort when using, discontinue use.
3. Do not use this product when there is skin injury, wound or swelling;
4. For sensitive skin, we recommend patch test on your wrist before use. Only use after making sure that there is no allergic reaction.
Method of storage:Keep it in a cool and dry place, out of direct sunlight. (Please keep out of reach of children.)