Hello dear buyer, all products are shipped from China, welcome to buy.
Orders usually ship within three business days of placing the order and arrive within 8-15 days, please be patient.
Ukuran: 305 cm/70 cm
Berat: sekitar 10g/18g
Bahan: Akrilik
Jumlah: 1 Pcs
Paket termasuk: 1 * Tali Ponsel Tip Hangat: Harap diingat bahwa karena efek pencahayaan, pengaturan kecerahan/kontras monitor dll, mungkin ada sedikit perbedaan dalam nada warna foto situs web dan item sebenarnya. Ponsel Lanyard Tali Ponsel Rantai Ponsel Akrilik Manik-manik Jantung Manik-manik Ornamen Ponsel Perhiasan Liontin Ponsel Anti Hilang Pesona Ponsel untuk Wanita Warna-warni Lucu Buatan Tangan
The online time of store customer service is usually from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Beijing time, China, and the online date is usually Monday to Friday on working days