Detail PWM Motor Speed Dimmer DC 4.5-35V 5A Controller Lampu LED 90W
DC Motor speed controller (PWM) memiliki ukuran yang mini sehingga terlihat simple, serta dapat menghandle arus tinggi (Max. 5A), dilengkapi dengan potentiometer dan knob nya, sehingga praktis digunakan.
Specification: - Input supply voltage : 4.5V-35VDC - Duty Cycle adjustable:5%-100% - The maximum output power : 90W - The maximum continuous output current: 5A
Tersedia 2 model: - Type A tanpa reverse protection - Type B menggunakan reverse protection
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PWM Motor Speed Dimmer DC 4.5-35V 5A Controller Lampu LED 90WPWM Motor Speed Dimmer DC 4.5-35V 5A Controller Lampu LED 90WPWM Motor Speed Dimmer DC 4.5-35V 5A Controller Lampu LED 90WPWM Motor Speed Dimmer DC 4.5-35V 5A Controller Lampu LED 90WPWM Motor Speed Dimmer DC 4.5-35V 5A Controller Lampu LED 90WPWM Motor Speed Dimmer DC 4.5-35V 5A Controller Lampu LED 90WPWM Motor Speed Dimmer DC 4.5-35V 5A Controller Lampu LED 90W