Detail PSU Power Supply ATX CPU Tester Digital LCD Display
spesifikas (gambaran, kurang lebih)i: DIY Supplies: Electrical Test voltage: :3.3V, -12V, 12V1, 12V2 + 5 VSB, + 5V, and PG time
Detail Produk (gambaran, kurang lebih): 1. Power supply tester bisa menguji power supply anda dan menghindari kerusakan pada perangkat komputer lebih dini dan cepat. 2. Display LCD menunjukkan status tegangan, bisa juga untuk menguji power supply 3. Simple dan mudah digunakan, tanpa perlu baterai.
Operasional kurang lebih: 1. Colok power supply 24 PIN dan P4 , P6 atau P8 ke corresponding jack dari power test suite. 2. Power on the supply of power, will hear "DuDu" ring , if no flicker (berkedip) then the power supply output voltage is normal. 3. If a certain voltage signal was not detected, or the detected voltage value over the normal, will issue a "DuDu" long buzzer ; if the corresponding voltage value or PG flicker too, then the power is failed. s
Gambar produk
PSU Power Supply ATX CPU Tester Digital LCD Display