Detail Ps4 pro ps 4 pro playstation 4 pro 1 terra fullgame hen cfw fw 5.05
Assalamualaikum hadirin
Permisi saya mau nawarin ps4 pro fw 5.05 FULLGAME 1 TERRA 30 game good condition gk ada kendala resolusi juara tajam ciri khas sony full Hd Andalan ps4 pro
INCLUDE game2 terbaru 30 game lbh
.List ny game2 terbaru
Assassin creed origin Accel world vs sword art online A way out Burnout paradise Call of duty wwii Dragonball z fighter Dynasty warrior 8 Fifa 18 Farcry 5 God wars future past Horizon complete edition Nino kuni II Pes 2018 Monster hunter world Yakuza 6 english version Uncharted lost legacy Lego marvel super heroes 2 w2k18 Super robot wars x Star wars battlefront II Sebastianloeb rally evo South park the stick of truth South park the factured but whole Shadow of colossus The sims 4 Tokyo xanadu ex+ Tt isle of man Watch dogs complete edition Life is strange Nioh complete edition The evil within 2
Wolfenstein 2 the new colossus Ufc 3 Nba 2k18 Digimon hackers memory Knack II Dissidia final fantasy nt Marvel vs capcom infinite. dll pemakaian pribadi normal lancar boleh d test. resolusi juara full HD sony ciri khas ps4 pro hdd 1 terra sangarr kondisi mulus gann adem menggil gk ada kendala aamiin.
Ok langsung aj Kelengkapannya sbb
- mesin ps4 pro 1 terra giga adem - stik - bisa 30 game - kabel hdmi. - kabel power - dus box - segel utuh blm pernah service siap pake - resolusi beda dng ps4 lain ny 4k resolusi
Atau bisajuga cek ps4 pro ny sepuasny . Cod bandung juga boleh.. Trims admin sudah menayangkan iklan saya smoga berkah dan manfaat. Aamiin
Note.. udah murah bgt kakak Wassalam
Gambar produk
Ps4 pro ps 4 pro playstation 4 pro 1 terra fullgame hen cfw fw 5.05Ps4 pro ps 4 pro playstation 4 pro 1 terra fullgame hen cfw fw 5.05Ps4 pro ps 4 pro playstation 4 pro 1 terra fullgame hen cfw fw 5.05Ps4 pro ps 4 pro playstation 4 pro 1 terra fullgame hen cfw fw 5.05