Detail Promo Bausch and lomb 59 softlens bening bulanan (monthly)
Softlens Bausch and Lomb Exp. 2023-2024
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Jangan lupa BELI bubble wrap agar pesananmu aman
Rekomendasi air softlens
Renu Fresh
Spesifikasi produk :
Diameter : 14.2 mm
Base Curve : 8.60 mm
Monthly supplies
Power :
-100 s/d -600 (step 0.25D)
-600 s/d -900 (step 0.50D)
1 box isi 6psc/3 keping
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Promo Bausch and lomb 59 softlens bening bulanan (monthly)
Promo Bausch and lomb 59 softlens bening bulanan (monthly)
Promo Bausch and lomb 59 softlens bening bulanan (monthly)
Promo Bausch and lomb 59 softlens bening bulanan (monthly)
Promo Bausch and lomb 59 softlens bening bulanan (monthly)
Promo Bausch and lomb 59 softlens bening bulanan (monthly)