[PRODUK TERVIRAL 2023!] The Pods Headphone GAMING HEADSET M247 Earphone Cat Bluetooth Wireless - Bluetooth 5.0 Premium Wireless Headphone Lucu Kucing Bluetooth LED Wireless Light TWS Earpods Hifi for IOS & Android by Pods Indonesia

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Komputer & Aksesoris > Gaming > Gaming Headset > [PRODUK TERVIRAL 2023!] The Pods Headphone GAMING HEADSET M247 Earphone Cat Bluetooth Wireless - Bluetooth 5.0 Premium Wireless Headphone Lucu Kucing Bluetooth LED Wireless Light TWS Earpods Hifi for IOS & Android by Pods Indonesia
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Detail [PRODUK TERVIRAL 2023!] The Pods Headphone GAMING HEADSET M247 Earphone Cat Bluetooth Wireless - Bluetooth 5.0 Premium Wireless Headphone Lucu Kucing Bluetooth LED Wireless Light TWS Earpods Hifi for IOS & Android by Pods Indonesia

The Pods Foldable GAMING HEADSET By Pods Indonesia - Foldable Headphone gaming No.1 di Pods Indonesia

Headphone Bluetooth ini berfungsi dengan ponsel cerdas, seperti iPhone, iPad, Samsung, tablet, dan perangkat Android lainnya. Headset ini juga aman dipakai untuk anak-anak karena di desain dengan bahan yang nyaman dan aman.

Versi Bluetooth: V5.0
Mendukung Mode Bluetooth: A2DP 1.2, AVRCP 1.0, HSP, HSF 1.5
Kinerja RF: sensitivitas penerima: -84dBm; mengirimkan daya hingga 4dBm
Rasio Sinyal terhadap Kebisingan (SNR): 70Db;
Tingkat Distorsi Harmonik Total (THD) 0,1%
Indikator Daya: Lampu merah dan biru berkedip bergantian
Pengisian Headset: baterai lithium 400MAH yang dapat diisi ulang
Port Pengisian Daya: Antarmuka pengisian USB mini 5-pin
Waktu Pengisian Normal: 2,5 jam
Waktu Bicara: hingga 10 jam
Waktu Siaga: hingga 20 Hari
Suhu Operasi: -20℃ - 55℃
Fitur Lain: indikator status dukungan, tampilan indikator pengisian daya

📦Isi Kemasan:
1 x Headphone
1 x Manual
1 x Kabel Pengisian Daya
1x3.5mm Kabel


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[PRODUK TERVIRAL 2023!] The Pods Headphone GAMING HEADSET M247 Earphone Cat Bluetooth Wireless - Bluetooth 5.0 Premium Wireless Headphone Lucu Kucing Bluetooth LED Wireless Light TWS Earpods Hifi for IOS & Android by Pods Indonesia
[PRODUK TERVIRAL 2023!] The Pods Headphone GAMING HEADSET M247 Earphone Cat Bluetooth Wireless - Bluetooth 5.0 Premium Wireless Headphone Lucu Kucing Bluetooth LED Wireless Light TWS Earpods Hifi for IOS & Android by Pods Indonesia
[PRODUK TERVIRAL 2023!] The Pods Headphone GAMING HEADSET M247 Earphone Cat Bluetooth Wireless - Bluetooth 5.0 Premium Wireless Headphone Lucu Kucing Bluetooth LED Wireless Light TWS Earpods Hifi for IOS & Android by Pods Indonesia
[PRODUK TERVIRAL 2023!] The Pods Headphone GAMING HEADSET M247 Earphone Cat Bluetooth Wireless - Bluetooth 5.0 Premium Wireless Headphone Lucu Kucing Bluetooth LED Wireless Light TWS Earpods Hifi for IOS & Android by Pods Indonesia
[PRODUK TERVIRAL 2023!] The Pods Headphone GAMING HEADSET M247 Earphone Cat Bluetooth Wireless - Bluetooth 5.0 Premium Wireless Headphone Lucu Kucing Bluetooth LED Wireless Light TWS Earpods Hifi for IOS & Android by Pods Indonesia
[PRODUK TERVIRAL 2023!] The Pods Headphone GAMING HEADSET M247 Earphone Cat Bluetooth Wireless - Bluetooth 5.0 Premium Wireless Headphone Lucu Kucing Bluetooth LED Wireless Light TWS Earpods Hifi for IOS & Android by Pods Indonesia
[PRODUK TERVIRAL 2023!] The Pods Headphone GAMING HEADSET M247 Earphone Cat Bluetooth Wireless - Bluetooth 5.0 Premium Wireless Headphone Lucu Kucing Bluetooth LED Wireless Light TWS Earpods Hifi for IOS & Android by Pods Indonesia
[PRODUK TERVIRAL 2023!] The Pods Headphone GAMING HEADSET M247 Earphone Cat Bluetooth Wireless - Bluetooth 5.0 Premium Wireless Headphone Lucu Kucing Bluetooth LED Wireless Light TWS Earpods Hifi for IOS & Android by Pods Indonesia
[PRODUK TERVIRAL 2023!] The Pods Headphone GAMING HEADSET M247 Earphone Cat Bluetooth Wireless - Bluetooth 5.0 Premium Wireless Headphone Lucu Kucing Bluetooth LED Wireless Light TWS Earpods Hifi for IOS & Android by Pods Indonesia
[PRODUK TERVIRAL 2023!] The Pods Headphone GAMING HEADSET M247 Earphone Cat Bluetooth Wireless - Bluetooth 5.0 Premium Wireless Headphone Lucu Kucing Bluetooth LED Wireless Light TWS Earpods Hifi for IOS & Android by Pods Indonesia