Detail printer hp ink tank 415 (printscancopywifi) |BISA COD|GOSEND
Printer HP Ink Tank Wireless 415 Print Scan Copy WIFI
Print, copy, scan, wireless
Printing specifications
Kecepatan cetak hitam putih: ISO: Up to 8 ppm Draf: Up to 19 ppm 5
Kecepatan cetak berwarna: ISO:Up to 5 ppm Draf:Up to 15 ppm 5
Halaman pertama keluar (siap) Hitam: As fast as 14 sec Warna: As fast as 18 sec
Siklus tugas (bulanan, A4) Up to 1000 pages
Volume halaman bulanan yang direkomendasikan 400 to 800
Kualitas cetak (terbaik) Warna: Up to 4800 x 1200 optimized dpi color (when printing from a computer on selected HP photo papers and 1200 input dpi) Hitam: Up to 1200 x 1200 rendered dpi
7 segment + icon LCD
Processor speed
360 MHz
Number of print cartridges
1 black bottle, set of 3 color bottles
***GARANSI RESMI HP 2 Tahun***
Gambar produk
printer hp ink tank 415 (printscancopywifi) |BISA COD|GOSENDprinter hp ink tank 415 (printscancopywifi) |BISA COD|GOSEND