Premium Softcase Square Chrome LOGO BULAT iPhone 13 PRO MAX 12 PRO MAX 11 PRO MAX XR X XS MAX 7 7+ 8 8+ SE 2 3 With Lens Lensa Glass Camera Protector Soft Case Logo Apple List Krom Gold Electroplated Pelindung Kamera Silikon Jelly Clear Cover Bukan Hardca
Premium Softcase Square Chrome LOGO BULAT iPhone 13 PRO MAX 12 PRO MAX 11 PRO MAX XR X XS MAX 7 7+ 8 8+ SE 2 3 With Lens Lensa Glass Camera Protector Soft Case Logo Apple List Krom Gold Electroplated Pelindung Kamera Silikon Jelly Clear Cover Bukan Hardca
Deskripsi singkat
Handphone & Aksesoris > Casing & Skin > Casing & Skin Handphone > Premium Softcase Square Chrome LOGO BULAT iPhone 13 PRO MAX 12 PRO MAX 11 PRO MAX XR X XS MAX 7 7+ 8 8+ SE 2 3 With Lens Lensa Glass Camera Protector Soft Case Logo Apple List Krom Gold Electroplated Pelindung Kamera Silikon Jelly Clear Cover Bukan Hardca
Detail Premium Softcase Square Chrome LOGO BULAT iPhone 13 PRO MAX 12 PRO MAX 11 PRO MAX XR X XS MAX 7 7+ 8 8+ SE 2 3 With Lens Lensa Glass Camera Protector Soft Case Logo Apple List Krom Gold Electroplated Pelindung Kamera Silikon Jelly Clear Cover Bukan Hardca
Video perkenalan produk Premium Softcase Square Chrome LOGO BULAT iPhone 13 PRO MAX 12 PRO MAX 11 PRO MAX XR X XS MAX 7 7+ 8 8+ SE 2 3 With Lens Lensa Glass Camera Protector Soft Case Logo Apple List Krom Gold Electroplated Pelindung Kamera Silikon Jelly Clear Cover Bukan Hardca. Sumber: Shopee.
> Bahan Soft Dengan Kombinasi Chrome Electroplated & List Gold > Terdapat Lens Glass Camera Protector yang berfungsi untuk melindungi kamera dari Baret/Lecet/Terjatuh/Terbentur > Dengan Logo Bulat Chrome Sehingga Logo Apple di iPhone Tampak Jelas & Memberikan kesan yg Sangat MEVVAH & PREMIUM. > Bagian Sisi Pinggir Bentuk Square/Kotak persegi sehingga Lebih Nyaman & Mudah digenggam. > JAMIN TAMPIL PREMIUM, MEVVAH & HIGH CLASS. > Gampang di pasang dan di lepas sesuai keinginan anda. > Harap Cantumkan Opsi Warna Ke 2 Untuk Mempercepat Pengiriman.
Ket : Harap menginformasikan ke kami jika barang yang diterima tidak sesuai sehingga dimohon jangan langsung memberikan bintang rendah,karena Kepuasan Pembeli adalah Prioritas kami.
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Gambar produk
Premium Softcase Square Chrome LOGO BULAT iPhone 13 PRO MAX 12 PRO MAX 11 PRO MAX XR X XS MAX 7 7+ 8 8+ SE 2 3 With Lens Lensa Glass Camera Protector Soft Case Logo Apple List Krom Gold Electroplated Pelindung Kamera Silikon Jelly Clear Cover Bukan HardcaPremium Softcase Square Chrome LOGO BULAT iPhone 13 PRO MAX 12 PRO MAX 11 PRO MAX XR X XS MAX 7 7+ 8 8+ SE 2 3 With Lens Lensa Glass Camera Protector Soft Case Logo Apple List Krom Gold Electroplated Pelindung Kamera Silikon Jelly Clear Cover Bukan HardcaPremium Softcase Square Chrome LOGO BULAT iPhone 13 PRO MAX 12 PRO MAX 11 PRO MAX XR X XS MAX 7 7+ 8 8+ SE 2 3 With Lens Lensa Glass Camera Protector Soft Case Logo Apple List Krom Gold Electroplated Pelindung Kamera Silikon Jelly Clear Cover Bukan HardcaPremium Softcase Square Chrome LOGO BULAT iPhone 13 PRO MAX 12 PRO MAX 11 PRO MAX XR X XS MAX 7 7+ 8 8+ SE 2 3 With Lens Lensa Glass Camera Protector Soft Case Logo Apple List Krom Gold Electroplated Pelindung Kamera Silikon Jelly Clear Cover Bukan HardcaPremium Softcase Square Chrome LOGO BULAT iPhone 13 PRO MAX 12 PRO MAX 11 PRO MAX XR X XS MAX 7 7+ 8 8+ SE 2 3 With Lens Lensa Glass Camera Protector Soft Case Logo Apple List Krom Gold Electroplated Pelindung Kamera Silikon Jelly Clear Cover Bukan HardcaPremium Softcase Square Chrome LOGO BULAT iPhone 13 PRO MAX 12 PRO MAX 11 PRO MAX XR X XS MAX 7 7+ 8 8+ SE 2 3 With Lens Lensa Glass Camera Protector Soft Case Logo Apple List Krom Gold Electroplated Pelindung Kamera Silikon Jelly Clear Cover Bukan HardcaPremium Softcase Square Chrome LOGO BULAT iPhone 13 PRO MAX 12 PRO MAX 11 PRO MAX XR X XS MAX 7 7+ 8 8+ SE 2 3 With Lens Lensa Glass Camera Protector Soft Case Logo Apple List Krom Gold Electroplated Pelindung Kamera Silikon Jelly Clear Cover Bukan HardcaPremium Softcase Square Chrome LOGO BULAT iPhone 13 PRO MAX 12 PRO MAX 11 PRO MAX XR X XS MAX 7 7+ 8 8+ SE 2 3 With Lens Lensa Glass Camera Protector Soft Case Logo Apple List Krom Gold Electroplated Pelindung Kamera Silikon Jelly Clear Cover Bukan Hardca