GPRS Shield-EFCom expansion board is a serial GSM / GPRS wireless module. The purpose is to allow Arduino enthusiast can quickly learn the GSM / GPRS mobile phone development, and can be applied to give the class wireless development projects, but also for the development of various remote control, such as wireless meter reading, intelligent home appliances, ultra-long-range controlWait.
EFCom Freaduino and is compatible with all standard Arduin development board. EFCom is a quad band GPRS / GSM module also supports four standard band 850/900/1800 / 1900MHz , can send SMS text messages, phone calls, faxes and all other mobile phones with GPRS function. EFCom allows you to very quickly understand wireless handset development process and development.
EFCom of three operating modes : Short Message Service text messaging service mode Audio Music Mode GPRS mode
Features: Fully compatible Freaduino / arduino and Mega2560 development board series Serial communication, the freedom to choose the hardware serial ports ( D0 / D1 ) or software serial port ( D2 / D3 ) and board communication SIM900 , all IC all stay out, not only UART port, DEBUG port, including all GPIO ports and KEY, PANEL interfaces On-board super capacitor, to ensure RTC work Supports both software and hardware switch, support software and hardware reboot 4 bandwidth, 850/900/1800/1900 MHz EFCom supply 5V Size: 68.33x53.09mm (and Arduino UNO the same size) GPRS multi-slot class 10/8 GPRS mobile station class B Compliant to GSM phase 2/2 + - Class 4 (2 W @ 850/900 MHz) - Class 1 (1 W @ 1800 / 1900MHz) Dimensions: 24 * 24 * 3mm Weight: 3.4g Control via AT commands (GSM 07.07, 07.05 and SIMCOM enhanced AT Commands) SIM application toolkit Supply voltage range: 3.1 ... 4.8V Low power consumption: 1.5mA (sleep mode) Operation temperature: -4