Detail Prabu Acc Sarung Tangan Motor Three Maestro Full Jari
Merek THREE MAESTRO teruji keawetan dan tahan lamanya, karena mengutamakan kualitas dalam pembuatannya. Terbuat dari bahan Kain dan Semi-Kulit PILIHAN demi kepuasan Anda. Nyaman, Anti Slip, dan tidak mudah rusak dari segi jahitan maupun warna, awet.
Provide excellent durability and softness gives added Support, comfort, proteciion optimal fit and flexibility
The Three Maestro represents the heritage of motorcycle gloving Line. Constructed by the finest craftsman, the following Three Maestro gloving technologies.
# Wing closing wrist strap for perlact adjustments and easy-on, easy-of #synthetic leather, tough, soft and comfortable to wear, rasists and shrinking, stretching and herdening #Fitflek pattern on palm and fingers a firm non-slip grip. # Stretch spandex for flexibility and fit. #Lycra side panels for inproved dexterity