Detail Pony Gold Cleaner and Polish Leather Bag and Shoes
Pony Gold polish and Cleaner (Premium Quality)
digunakan untuk merawat tas, sepatu, sofa, atau jaket yg berbahan kulit asli, sintetis, dan vynil
Berfungsi untuk - membersihkan jamur - melembutkan bahan yg sudah kaku - mengkilatkan kembali tas dan barang2 kesayangan anda
Cara pemakaian: - semprotkan pony gold secukupnya pada spot yg di inginkan, lalu gosok menggunakan bahan yg lembut (handuk fiber atau busa)
Isi 100 ml per botol
Gambar produk
Pony Gold Cleaner and Polish Leather Bag and ShoesPony Gold Cleaner and Polish Leather Bag and ShoesPony Gold Cleaner and Polish Leather Bag and ShoesPony Gold Cleaner and Polish Leather Bag and ShoesPony Gold Cleaner and Polish Leather Bag and Shoes