Video perkenalan produk PMD Micro Dermabration Dermabrasi. Sumber: Shopee.
Tersedia PMD Classic dan PRO (chat untuk request)
Warna pilihan Taupe (abu-abu) Blush (pink muka) Lavender Pink Teal (hijau)
In less than 10 minutes this at-home microdermabrasion tool uncovers fresh, luminous skin. It provides customizable, controlled intensity with 4 different levels of exfoliating discs and 2 speeds: a standard speed that provides the highest level of intensity and a slower speed that provides a lower level of intensity for sensitive skin types. The PMD pro's spinning disc is covered with the same aluminum oxide crystals that are used by professionals. As the disc spins, vacuum suction removes dull, dead cells, leaving skin clear and vibrant. With the dead cells removed, your skin is able to absorb products much more effectively.