Deskripsi produk: - Play-Doh play lets kids take the lid off their imaginations and explore their creativity - Can packs and basic tool sets offer all kinds of open-ended play. - Playsets come in many different themes and offer lots of creative role play - Convenient tube is filled with 10 one-ounce cans of Play-Doh compound - Share and create fun with all your friends - includes 10 one-ounce cans
Wajib Dibaca Sebelum Membeli : Kerusakan, kehilangan dan keterlambatan paket adalah wewenang tanggung jawab ekpedisi sepenuhnya. Kami seller memastikan bahwa produk dipacking dalam kondisi baik dan sudah dicek terlebih dahulu. Kami tidak menerima pengembalian dana/barang. Barang yang kami kirim sudah kami cek sebelum dikirim.