Detail PlayDoh Krackle Slime 2 Pack of Slime Compound with Beads
Deskripsi produk: - Feel the crackly beads in your hands - squish, squeeze, and scrunch! This Play-Doh slime compound 2-Pack has beads in it for a relaxing and oddly satisfying sensory experience. - Bring on the color - Play-Doh krackle slime compound is as much fun to look at as it is to touch! This 2-pack has pink slime compound with orange beads mixed in, as well as a can of blue crackle slime compound. - The Play-Doh brand quality you know and love - this colorfully crackly slime compound comes from the makers of Play-Doh toys, a trusted arts and crafts brand For over 60 years. - Irresistibly fun textures - 3.5 ounces of bead-filled krackle slime compound come in 2 reusable slime containers to store and reuse whenever it's time for Play-Doh slime.
Wajib Dibaca Sebelum Membeli : Kerusakan, kehilangan dan keterlambatan paket adalah wewenang tanggung jawab ekpedisi sepenuhnya. Kami seller memastikan bahwa produk dipacking dalam kondisi baik dan sudah dicek terlebih dahulu. Kami tidak menerima pengembalian dana/barang. Barang yang kami kirim sudah kami cek sebelum dikirim.
PlayDoh Krackle Slime 2 Pack of Slime Compound with BeadsPlayDoh Krackle Slime 2 Pack of Slime Compound with BeadsPlayDoh Krackle Slime 2 Pack of Slime Compound with BeadsPlayDoh Krackle Slime 2 Pack of Slime Compound with Beads