- Harga untuk Satu Play Doh 6Variety Pack Ensemble Kit - Berat menggunakan volume - Silahkan tambahkan bubble wrap untuk keamanan paket hanya + Rp 1500
Playdoh Variety Cloud Krackle Stretch Slime Foam [6 Pack] merupakan slime berbahan berkualitas didesain fun & playful untuk anak usia 3 tahun keatas. Cocok untuk dijadikan mainan edukasi Anak ataupu hadiah.
Condition : Original in Sealed Packaging Packaging Dimension : 28 x 22 x 7 cm. Jumlah can : 6 Kondisi : Baru. Packaging Segel. Fulfillment by Cupliss This slime 6-pack includes :
- 1x Play-Doh Slime - 2x Play-Doh Krackle slimes - 1x Play-Doh Super Cloud fluffy slime - 1x Play-Doh Super Stretch slime - 1x Play-Doh Foam - Squish, squoosh, stretch, and squeeze as much as you please! Feel the beads in the Krackle slime, the amazing flexibility of Super Stretch, and more - With 5 different premade slimes in 6 different colors like red, yellow, green, and blue, there's plenty of slime to keep kids' hands busy! Great gift for kids 3 years and up - The colors come in recyclable slime containers with lids to store and reuse whenever it's time for slime
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