Detail plastic scrapper set 3/ dough cutter and scraper / pisau potong adonan kue
Set isi 3pcs bahan plastik . uk 12*9cm kurang lbh. CEK FOTO SLIDE TRAKHIR untuk wrn lengkap tidak dijual terpisah Kl ada pilihan wrn..tlg tulis bbrp opsi :) ukuran ada difoto slide akhir
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plastic scrapper set 3/ dough cutter and scraper / pisau potong adonan kueplastic scrapper set 3/ dough cutter and scraper / pisau potong adonan kueplastic scrapper set 3/ dough cutter and scraper / pisau potong adonan kueplastic scrapper set 3/ dough cutter and scraper / pisau potong adonan kueplastic scrapper set 3/ dough cutter and scraper / pisau potong adonan kueplastic scrapper set 3/ dough cutter and scraper / pisau potong adonan kueplastic scrapper set 3/ dough cutter and scraper / pisau potong adonan kueplastic scrapper set 3/ dough cutter and scraper / pisau potong adonan kueplastic scrapper set 3/ dough cutter and scraper / pisau potong adonan kue