Detail PIGEON Disney Pacifier Fun Friends Series Empeng Bayi
PIGEON Disney Pacifier Fun Friends Series
FunFriends soother with Disney character is an improve version from Calming soother. Hence, the improved functionality of FunFriends soother is emphasized to calm a baby to a ‘settle down’ state.
Shape: • The shape that allows baby to move tongue naturally • The design of the teat has been taken into consideration to reduce the concern on teeth development during the baby’s development • Improved water drainage system so moisture would not trapped inside • Less stress to upper & lower jaw
Softness: • Less stress to upper & lower jaw
Light-weight: • Helps baby to easily latch on it • Stays put in baby’s mouth
Balance: • Less likely to fall out of baby’s mouth • Less stress & strength are needed to suck
Product details:
Material: Nipple / Teat – Silicone Rubber Seat Plate & Hood – Polypropylene (PP) S size: 0 to 3 months M size: 3 to 6 months L size: 6 to 18 months
All Pigeon pacifiers/soothers currently available in the market may be sterilized by boiling, steaming in the microwave, or soaking in chemical sterilizing solutions. The nipple/teat is made of silicone with a heat resistance of 120 degree Celsius. The hood and shield is made of polypropylene with a heat resistance of 120 degree Celsius.
Harga untuk 1buah
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Harap diukur dengan seksama, umur jgn dijadikan 100% patokan dalam memilih size. Karena setiap anak ukuran badannya berbeda-beda. Mohon dimengerti 😊
Barang yang sudah dibeli tidak dapat dikembalikan* (tukar size, model atau warna) Mohon dipastikan dahulu sebelum payment. *kecuali kesalahan dari pihak pengirim dan Maksimal pengembalian 2 hari setelah brg diterima dan blm dicuci dengan disertakan handtag baju lengkap /kertas order dr shopee
Terima kasih!
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PIGEON Disney Pacifier Fun Friends Series Empeng BayiPIGEON Disney Pacifier Fun Friends Series Empeng BayiPIGEON Disney Pacifier Fun Friends Series Empeng BayiPIGEON Disney Pacifier Fun Friends Series Empeng BayiPIGEON Disney Pacifier Fun Friends Series Empeng BayiPIGEON Disney Pacifier Fun Friends Series Empeng Bayi