Photocard Set Premium NCT DREAM the dream show 2 / print 2 sisi super glossy / anti air tidak luntur / isi 7 pcs
Photocard Set Premium NCT DREAM the dream show 2 / print 2 sisi super glossy / anti air tidak luntur / isi 7 pcs
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Hobi & Koleksi > Koleksi > Koleksi Penggemar > Photocard Set Premium NCT DREAM the dream show 2 / print 2 sisi super glossy / anti air tidak luntur / isi 7 pcs
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Detail: ◾ 2 sisi, bolak balik ◾ Bahan: Art Carton 310 ◾ Ukuran: 5.4 × 8.5 cm ◾ Laminasi Glossy ◾ Ujung Rounded [Tumpul] ✔ FREE Safe Packing ISI 7 pcs FULL SET SEMUA MEMBER SESUAI GAMBAR YA KAK.
Photocard Set Premium NCT DREAM the dream show 2 / print 2 sisi super glossy / anti air tidak luntur / isi 7 pcsPhotocard Set Premium NCT DREAM the dream show 2 / print 2 sisi super glossy / anti air tidak luntur / isi 7 pcsPhotocard Set Premium NCT DREAM the dream show 2 / print 2 sisi super glossy / anti air tidak luntur / isi 7 pcsPhotocard Set Premium NCT DREAM the dream show 2 / print 2 sisi super glossy / anti air tidak luntur / isi 7 pcs