Detail Phone holder stand Orico Folding anti slip with mirror MPHJ - Dudukan Stand hp handphone tablet universal
1. Product Model : ORICO MPHJ 2. Material : Plastic + Silicone 3. Color : Pink 4. Dimensions : 66.1*110.3*123mm 5. Stretch Dimensions : 66.1*110.3*157mm 6. Weight : 140g 7. Visual Angle : 5°-135° 8. Certification : CE
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Phone holder stand Orico Folding anti slip with mirror MPHJ - Dudukan Stand hp handphone tablet universalPhone holder stand Orico Folding anti slip with mirror MPHJ - Dudukan Stand hp handphone tablet universalPhone holder stand Orico Folding anti slip with mirror MPHJ - Dudukan Stand hp handphone tablet universalPhone holder stand Orico Folding anti slip with mirror MPHJ - Dudukan Stand hp handphone tablet universalPhone holder stand Orico Folding anti slip with mirror MPHJ - Dudukan Stand hp handphone tablet universal